9030095501 dr.chaitanyaayurhospitals@gmail.com

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Panchakarma is a treatment program for the body, mind, and consciousness that cleanses and rejuvenates. It is based on Ayurvedic principles, every human is a unique phenomenon manifested through..

Marma Abhyanga

Ayurvedic Body Massage (Marma Abhyanga) is a purifying and invigorating therapy which combines traditional Ayurvedic massage techniques and acupressure of Marma points..


It relives mental tension, provides peace of mind and checks stress and strain. Tunes up brain functions and helps to improve memory .very effective in cervical spondilosys, paralysis & epilepsy.


Udwarthanam is a body toning program, with the application of a combination of prescribed herbal powder and oil on the entire body. In the Ayurvedic system, Udwarthanam weight loss therapy…

Kati & Greeva Basti

In Kati Basti, the benefits of the treatment come from the herbal oil. The warmth and pressure of the oil allows deeper absorption into the muscles, tendons and ligaments, relaxing spasms

Leech therapy

Leech therapy (also known as hirudotherapy) is a natural, safe treatment which utilises the healing properties of leeches. The healing properties of leeches have been known for hundreds of years.

Netra Tarpana

Netra Tarpana Is A Deceptively Simple Yet Highly Effective Treatment That Brings Sparkle And Beauty To Your Eyes. It Cools, Lubricates, And Rejuvenates The Eyes And Improves ..

Agni Karma

Agnikarm is a superior para surgical procedure. This procedure aims at management of various afflictions by inflicting burns on the tissue surface directly by using different materials known as…

Navara Kizhi

Navara Kizhi is known as Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda in Sanskrit where Shashtika means 60, Shali means rice, Pinda means poultice, and Sweda means sweat. It is a type of massage that induces …

Patra Pinda Sweda

Pinda Sweda is a common form of Swedana in which the medicaments are tied up in a cloth and used for the therapy. In Patra Pinda Sweda, leaves of medicinal plants and other drugs are tied up..